
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

咕噜咕噜滚出家门记 :)

我虽然很宅, 但是遇到天时地利人和的时候也会踏出家门噢...
由于拖了一个月半才开始写故事, 所以会废话连篇… 不要嫌我长气~

Star Education Fair
七早八早就和ccy,zee,cuiyii&班长大人约好要去升学展开开眼界, 地点是在KL CONVENTION CENTER. 其实说来有些惭愧, 身为一位马来西亚公民我竟然在有记忆以来没有来过这里… 所以我这次的外出期待挺高的。早上八点多九点, 我们在约好的Tesco巴士站碰面…可是我却是最早到的一个,所以就趁机会去光顾Tesco的厕所拉泡屎。
(班长大人还是一如往常当迟到大王, 完全欠揍) :O
巴士终于来了~ 顾不了那么多就挤着上车找位子坐, 什么道德公民的道理全部抛诸脑后! 地点: Pasar Seni
然后再转搭轻快铁到目的地。其实我很喜欢搭轻快铁, 快捷方便座位又冷冷的~ 运气好的话还可以碰见帅老外 (不是外劳) ! Hehehehe ;D
终于啊终于, 抵达KLCC~
肚子饿了… 和女士们在food court吃东西, 而班长大人则跑去合他的kl朋友们会合。基本上我是没有看清楚他们的样子啦~
不过过后有遇到刘俊贤先生, 比我想象中还要矮了半截 (这点是被ccy承认滴)… 然后我本人觉得他跟照片里的他有些差别咯。
到最后, 除班长大人外, 我们4人一致通过决议认为他走路的背影和咱们家可爱的小学弟有70%相似, 尤其是当他基情慢慢的依偎在班长大人身边的时候,那种味道更浓了 :P

Ok, 总之呢~ 我自以为可以在升学展得到很多资讯的, 其实不然。每间学校都在忙着介绍自己的课程给我们这些"大财主" … 一个课程就要RM20k- 70k啊 (汗
所以太多太多资料了 到最后我都搞混了自己想读什么科系!!!
我一直很羡慕像ccy那种一早就为自己铺好路的人, 不会有太多后顾之忧。
反观我…对任何东西都只有三分钟热度, 没有特别兴趣或长处…
Zee 和 Cuiyii似乎都想读medical course啊~ 志愿真高...

*经过一个月的深思熟虑,我不要选Nursing啦 辛苦死没命偿*

嗯嗯~ 还是当贵妇少奶奶比较好 xD

班长大人趁机拉了他的"杰克·李"出来见人, 还没安好心的故意说: "家恩, 你不是一直说很想见他的咩~~~~??"

哎哟哟~ 你不知道我纯洁的少女心会害羞的咩 ~~~

脸不红气不喘的zat回他: "是咯~ 他比你帅多了 :)))))"
想讽刺我? 门儿都木有! :P

回家时, 顺便去逛逛pasar seni (我也是第一次来这里) 然后又吃了超赞的本地美食, 最后买了橘色手表&一个山寨Hermes钱包~ 收获满满哟~
搭巴士回家的路程我们全站着.... 脑残的巴士司机又拼命踩brake!
站岗一小时, 情何以堪哪 (泪奔

嗯, 以后又多了一个姓刘的先生跟我在facebook聊天嗝屁了 多好!


  1. hahaha, so overall u are trying to say all of "them" are actually WAY BETTER looking then me !? :D
    I am glad that you guys had fun during that so called "trip".
    Anyway... You got it right! Out of the whole sentences, that's the part that i got quite get it well (the part before you said luckily I don't know chinese well). Were you trying to say "bromance"? ??? *curious* :|
    I am sorry for leaving you guys alone and flea off myself with the other gang. But you guys seems to know each other well, despite that you only knew each other via Facebook and met for real only for once... ... (somehow, i felt sad)

    HAHAHA, If you do enjoyed so much, why don't we go out again!? Perhaps the next outing should be at Sunway? Play Ice skating? But i can't promise or plan one right away now. I had myself busied with jobs. Perhaps later, around April? (we can celebrate zee's birthday together too!) :D

    P.S: I like your blog's music player! *whispering: and ur songs too

    1. I'm glad that u like those songs coz I choose it by myself according to my own taste.. hehe.

      Btw, I'm saying that 刘俊贤不会华语 but not u...
      And why are u feeling sad when I get to know him well..? I wonder?

    2. oh my godd.. Choong dont be jealous >< 我不会抢走你的基友的 放心~~

    3. what!? I am not sad because of that. Perhaps of our personalities, that's why you couldn't get any ideas why I felt a bit sad... (oh! and because of i din't tell u) hahahaha
      Anyway, he's (Low) now like a flying bird, out from a cage, flying here flying there, finding mates... ...hehehehehehehe (shhh. don't tell anyone that i say that).

    4. Hmmm......mate..... I wonder XDD

    5. BIRD!? I see u used a weird 比喻手法..

      Ccy : 腐女模式 ON again :)
